Our Team

Here at Joseph Giannone Plumbing & Heating, we want you to know your plumber. With only a small number of employees, the customer has the personal experience of knowing who is coming to their property and trusting them and their work. We know how discouraging it is to see a different face come to your door each time you call for service.

Choosing Joseph Giannone Plumbing & Heating you will know your plumber. We strive to create an intimate working relationship with our customers building trust and confidence in all of our services being performed by licensed and insured plumbers.

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* Free with purchase of services
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Gets the job done right

Dennis has been a part of the Joseph Giannone team for many years. Dennis has honed his craft carrying many years of expertise. He has earned the trust of our customers for making them feel comfortable that the job is done right. Dennis works closely with Joe, the owner on all water service installations, curb traps and larger jobs.

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Keeps everyone on task

Christina is the newest member of our team. She answers all customer communications. She is always looking for ways to make the office run more efficiently. She is a wiz at our scheduling software, and keeps contact with our technicians while they are out in the field.

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Can fix anything

"Joe" comes to our team with a mechanical background, so can troubleshoot most any plumbing and heating issues. Joe embraces technology and uses it to apply innovative techniques to his everyday workflow. Joe is always willing to take on other team members tasks where he is needed.